Monday, November 12, 2012

Zach's Dogs And Daylight's Savings Time

These are a couple of dogs running for the great outdoors.  It's been a long week, trying to get them used to the time change - taking them out to pee a little later each day.  Today was the day that we finally got onto the new schedule.  And today Mozart and Beethoven (Zach didn't name them - they came with these Martha Stewartish names) waited patiently, but then sprinted for the door, ran down the stairs, and wasted no time.  Success! 


  1. Cheeky doggies! Reminds me of my attempts to wean my babies, offering first breastfeed 10 minutes later every day! They soon got tired of that and would eat/drink whatever was offered :)

  2. Martha Stewartish names? Hahaha. She does like fancy doesn't she? Glad your dogs are over the time change - it seems it is taking me awhile long than it has them.


  3. Oh Patricia - I completely forgot how much like weaning this is. Imagine how bad the time change would be if you were working while still nursing. No, don't - it's too awful.
    Two of my babies were so crazy for my husband that they would drink anything he gave them while holding them. And so weaning was a snap with them. The other one was also crazy in love with John, but couldn't be fooled by that bottle.

  4. Hi Darla - Martha Stewart had a bunch of dogs named after composers when she started her TV show. I think they were huge Chows, not itty bitty Morkies (Yorkie/Maltese mix) like my grand-dogs.

  5. My dogs say "don't mess with my eating time" so I haven't been able to adjust them to the new time!

  6. Hi Sanda - You have very smart dogs! And cute, too!

  7. I never thought that time change might affect dogs. I will be on the look-out for signs with my own pooch next time we do it (such a bother, isn't it ?).xx

  8. Hi SB - I agree that the time change is a bother. Maybe your dog is less fussy and can adapt more easily. My cats never minded much.
