Saturday, June 14, 2014

Grit Chips, Cronuts, And Christmas Mint M&M's With An Expiration/Sellby Date Of 8/2014

 This is what happens when your husband goes to the store without you - Grit Chips, in the Sweet Heat Flavor, or course.  Not a Frito and not quite a Tortilla Chip.
 This is my first ever Cronut - purported to be a Donut (a good thing) made from the dough of a Croissant (a better thing).  Just in case you wonder how they are, I couldn't get a picture taken fast enough to get one without a bite out of it already.  Luckily they are too expensive at $3.50 each for me to get addicted.  In the background is my sweet son-in-law, Mike with his more healthy choice (understanding that all things are relative) a giant Ham and Cheese Croissant.
 All those flakey layers, deep fried and glazed!
 I don't know what possessed me but I chose to look at the expiration date before tossing out these Christmas Mint M&M's - and guess what?  They were not even close to expired.  Since I was on my own for dinner last night, I had a large glass of milk and a hand-full of these.
And this morning I got up early and ran the rest down the disposal, because if I can't get any taller for the Summer Wedding pictures from Nick and Kelsey's wedding, I should at least try not to look shorter.