Thursday, October 18, 2012

I Didn't Think Anything Could Make Me Dislike My Chanel Nail Polish, But Their Ad Agency Is Sure Trying!

Well, just in case you thought I was kidding about my history of producing terrible pie crust, my mother actually called me to congratulate me on that edible victory.  While we were talking I mentioned the new commercial for Chanel featuring Brad Pitt.  Specifically Chanel No.5.  Now why Brad Pitt for a perfume?  Isn't he famous for having the worst bathing habits of any star?  And consequently the worst body odor?  But putting that aside, the actual commercial is (to me) the worst I have ever seen.  The dialogue is ridiculous and he looks like a bum someone picked up and tried to dress up.  He looks like a blond Billy Rae Cyrus.  (Or whatever Miley Cyrus' dad's name is?)  Feel free to disagree!


  1. Agree 100% Beryl! worst ad I have ever seen. Comedians in australia are having a lot of fun with this one :))

  2. You can see what they were trying to pull off, but Brad Pitt doesn't make that happen. I don't know anything about his personal hygiene, only that I've never got what was the big deal about him. However, at least the ad is about perfume...I was really doing my head in trying to figure out how he was going to advertise nail polish! Maybe you'll like this version better?

  3. Or this one?

  4. Oh...there are bunches out there! Hilarious!

  5. I have not seen the ad but will check out the links others provided. Why on Earth is my first thought. The ad agency must think that WE think Brad Pitt is cute, sexy, whatever. Hope they discover it is difficult to follow in footsteps of Catherine, Audrey, Nicole and all those other women who have been the face of Chanel.

  6. Haha, Brad Pitt, a man? advertising women's cosmetics?? so ridiculous.
    There are so many beautiful women they could have used....
    Thank you so much for your comment Beryl, yes, my mother is very talented many hand crafts :)

  7. perhaps they are trying to appeal to a bit younger demographic, but when i saw the ad, I too thought it was a bit over the top.

  8. I've seen this on the Internet but not on TV. I too found it a little strange that someone who looks like he hasn't bathed or combed his hair recently was hawking beauty items. I think Teri is probably right that they're aiming at a younger demographic. My younger son, who is quite the dandy, cultivates that kind of unshaven look. It takes more product than you'd think!

  9. Hi Patricia - I think it would lend itself to all manner of comedy!

  10. Hi Shelley - Thanks for doing all the research. Quite right - hilarious! My point on the nail polish is that I can give it up, but there is still nothing quite as perfect as No. 5.

  11. Hi Sanda - You must be right - Chanel is convinced that we think Brad Pitt is so amazing that they don't need to do anything other than put him in the ad. Silly.

  12. Hi Terri - The demographic must be younger than me and older than my kids. Do you think that 40 year olds are the new Chanel No.5 target?

  13. Hi Rose - We have fashionable sons in common, it would seem. I never thought about how much effort they put into it. I guess Brad Pitt doesn't make as much effort as our sons do.
