Monday, January 13, 2014

This Is Why I Couldn't Waste Anymore Time On A Cold - Business Trip To Hawaii And I Get To Come Along

Beautiful view from the plane andy favorite building - followed by a "Tank Farm" picture. That's the business aspect. (Don't have any idea what my favorite building is used for, I just always think it's gorgeous.)


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Jody - It is lovely. But even when it rains it's warmer here than Tulsa.

  2. Wow, Hawaii: the perfect getaway from the winter chill. The President and First Lady can't be wrong! Gotta love a tank farm, we have a few of them in our city :)

    1. Hi Patricia - My husband did spend a lot of time there because of your tank farms - and he loved your city.

  3. Lucky you! Now go find out what that beautiful building is used for - we need to know.


  4. Enjoy your winter respite in Hawaii. Will you be wearing flowers in your hair?

  5. So how many times have you and your husband been to Hawaii now? I've never been once... Looks beautiful - enjoy the sun!

  6. It is such a shame you never get go go any where! Did you see the news about the kangaroo the hunter saw here in OK? Emu and kangaroos, who knew! Amy

  7. Oh wow looking forward to hearing more about Hawaii, enjoy it Beryl.
