Friday, March 14, 2014

I Refuse To Write Crabby Stuff Even Though Daylight Saving Time Started This Week - Oh, And Happy Pi Day!

Anyone who knows me knows that Daylight Saving Time really upsets the  rhythm of my life.  It started Sunday and I know from past experience that it will be almost a month before I get used to it.  Until then, I will be just slightly crabby - but that's not anyone else's fault, so I won't write that way.  So I thought, what do we all enjoy?  Chocolate, of course, but it is Lent, after all, so I went with second choice - Shoes.  It has just been within the last few months that I realized my go-to shoe is the Espadrille.  I have pairs from Target that I paid less than $10 for and Spanish pairs that I have paid 20 times that much for.  Cost per wear is much less than $1 when they eventually wear out.
 Via Spiga Sequined ones, Calypso St Barth Blue Print, and Pricy Andre Assous Braided Black  
      Stubbs and Wooten
Here are some new napkins I am making because nothing cheers me like a little sewing - even if it is just adding a hem.
And for the Mathematically Inclined, here is a Snickers Pie, made in a Pi pan, by my son Zach - in honor of Pi day, which only makes sense if you write your dates the US way, which would make today -  3-14.  (Get it? Pi is 3.14.)  (Roughly.)  And he is serving the Pi Pie at work at 1:59, in honor of an expanded version - 3.14159.  Nerds rule!


  1. Pi escapes me but I do like the shoes. That first pair would suit me quite well.


    1. Hi Darla - That first pair is very comfortable. I put those gel insoles in them and I can wear them every day for a month. Wish I'd bought more than one pair. (From Target - on sale for less than $10.)

  2. I love your espadrilles! I only just this month got my first pair, and they seem divine. I'm itching to get others; they are clearly addictive. Those yellow ones are Beau-ti-ful!

    1. Hi Catherine - I'll be watching for them on your blog! The Yellow ones are Spanish - they make the best Espadrilles.

  3. I think you've been wearing espadrilles every time I've seen you, now that I think about it!
    Love your collection.

    1. Hi Simone - I was surprised when I realized how much I wore them. All those years in Seattle, they were too impractical to get much use out of them. Wet Espadrilles are gross.

  4. Love your cornucopia of shoes, all of them esp the stripes and esp yellow espadrilles (do the ribbons pull at your ankles when you walk?) I stopped doing maths - is Pi maths or science? see? when I was 1,5 but I know me shoes and me cake. The stubbs and wooten look corker

    1. Hi Jody - The ribbons are such a pain that those are the only pair I have with them - but they were so gorgeous I couldn't resist. Although I waited for a really good sale. Those S/W are great - British company (I think), but made in Spain.
      Pi is both math and science I would say. It's the ratio that allows for computing the area of circles and the volume of cylinders and spheres.

  5. Hi Beryl, I LOVE the pi pan, and the time/date connection. My son the Rocket Scientist would think that is sooooo cool. Your espadrilles are all gorgeous, but love the blue ones, and the sequins best. I have only worn them occasionally, but am wondering if I'll be seeing them in Italy? I find sewing wonderfully relaxing too, and spent this afternoon wrestling with a V neck on a tee - v.soothing!

    1. Hi Patricia - A nice pair of espadrilles would be great for Italy - just add a pair of gel insoles for comfortable walking on all those old cobblestones.
      When I buy a ready made T-shirt, I prefer a V-neck, since they are the most difficult to sew. (Which only another sewist would understand).

  6. That's quite a collection of espadrilles! The black stripped ones are my favorites. So Daylight Saving Time is the reason I've felt so out of sorts all week? There just might be something to that as I've been in a dither all week long (love that word dither; been looking for an excuse to use it and it seems to fit here! Had never heard of Pi day until my years at NASA and we know there are tons of nerds there!!

    1. Hi Sanda - I love the word "dither" too. Was it fun working at NASA? I'll bet the nerd culture results in a whole different sense of humor.
      I think a lot of people don't realize how badly DST effects them. Just the statistic of the week after the time change should be convincing - all the additional accidents are so unnecessary.

  7. I'm loving those shoes Beryl, I bet they're comfortable too. I've heard of Pi from school days but having a Pi day is new to me (I read about it on another blog too) - Pi pie looks yummy though.

    1. Hi Jay - They are all very comfortable and the sequin ones are like your glittery pair - just have to own the one over the top pair, even if I seldom wear them. I'm back in Tulsa and the that Pi(e) was made by my son, Zach in California, so I didn't get a bite. He promised to make another one next time I visit.

  8. I'm surprised that DST can disturb you that much, given that you seem to bounce between Central and Pacific and even Hawaiian time so blythely. Envying you your shoe collection. My U.S. size 5 - probably now 5.5 doesn't translate well to UK size 3. I get away with it for enclosed shoes with inserts and padding and boots or laces up which hold themselves on. Summer sandals are a nightmare - I try to buy them on the Continent as 35.5 or sometimes a 36 is a better translation. Stuart Weitzman size 5s are perfect, but they are a difficult price for me to justify for casual shoes. I tend to either wear my shoes to bits or they collect dust on the shelf! As to the 1.59 service of the pi, that's just too clever to think about. I was smiling as I typed this and Bill accused me of laughing at my own joke...

    1. Hi Shelley - Didn't think about this before, but it must mean that I live more by the sun than the clock.
      You wear the same size shoes as John's mother did. Nordstrom's was the only place she could buy her shoes. Finding a 5 Stuart Weitzman shoe happens occasionally, but getting it in the narrow width is a little more complicated.

  9. I think maybe Pi day is maybe only celebrated in the US for the reason you mentioned, but it does sound like a fun tradition.

    1. Hi Carolyn - Especially fun for mathematicians and scientists like yourself!
