Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Happy Birthday Nick! And Tomato Plants From My Friend Amy Who We Almost Never See During The Summer Because Her Garden Gets All Her Attention 

My wonderful son had a birthday so I made him a card. So much fun to cut and paste stuff for people you love. I hope he puts it up on the refrigerator like I used to do with his.  

Here are my heirloom tomato plants started by the amazing gardening Amy, being carefully tended by John. What does my responsibility with regard to these beauties appear to be? Eating them, I suppose.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Beryl! How are you? I just found your last comment on my blog from back in May 2017! I don't know how I 'lost' my comments, but I thought the last one ever was in Oct 2016. Figured Blogger had changed something I couldn't figure out how to fix. How lovely (how embarrassing) to find a stack of comments - like a box of letters unopened. Hope this finds you well!
