My Thanksgiving was terrific. We spent it at the home of an amazing couple, who are so entertaining that we knew we were in for Big Fun. Another couple, Eric and Simone, who we'd never met were coming too, and we were looking forward to meeting them. It's funny how even when you have been told ahead of time that people are fabulous, they can still blow you away. Eric is a Physics Professor and Simone is a Biological Archaeologist, (I think I got that right). And her visage is mesmerizing. I know, this goes against my feeling about using obscure wording, but the word "face" just wasn't right. As I sat across from her and Catherine, (she of the silken hair, sparkling eyes and smile, and perfect figure) , I might have felt like a major frump, if that was my nature, which is isn't - since my curly hair hasn't failed me yet. And the conversation took over the table. Wonderful! I must admit that there were times when I was pretty sure my Science Minded Sweetie had never heard of that particular subject, but then we were off on another discussion that went in his direction and I was lost. (Sports, anyone?) Afterward, he said that even when he was lost, he was still enjoying himself. Of course, he was sitting across from the fabulous Simone.
When we retired to the sitting room, an interesting thought was brought up by Chris, Catherine's boyfriend/soulmate. His brother had refused to lend any validity to Chris's opinions in areas where he felt he had more experience. I commented that I could understand (not necessarily agree) with the logic that his brother had employed to come to this conclusion, using what is for me a common example - that we have listened to other couples without children talk about what it is like having them, when we are the only couple who actually do have them. (One of the few subjects that had not come up during the evening.) My point, and I do have one, is that those other couples do have valid points to make. I am perfectly happy with my decision to have children. I don't have to belittle anyone else's decision not to have children. I am happy that we live in a world where we can chose what's best for ourselves. Many of my friends who are only 20 years older than me (and when Water Aerobics is your exercise of choice, you can end up with an older group of friends), never had the luxury of deciding whether or not to have children. The generation gap when it comes to effective birth control is huge. The college student of today can't comprehend not having that choice. Also, I don't have to be an expert on parenthood. (And never could be, because there are so many variables that I have not experienced.)
But back to my point - before I had kids, I was pretty sure my life would be better with them, if I found a husband who felt similarly in time. (And anyone who knows me knows that I did!) So I always made a point not to do that finger pointing thing, when other people's children were annoying in public. Who knew that John and I would have perfect children, who never annoyed anyone? Good Times!