Sunday, August 5, 2012

Is It Too Hot To Write?

About a year ago, I was stunned to realize that it was too hot in Tulsa to snuggle!  This year I'm wondering what it isn't too hot to do, when 110 degrees seems normal.


  1. Goodness me, it is hot in Tulsa!!
    It rarely gets quite that hot here. And yes, it is too hot to do anything at all. I sure hope you have air-con or fans or something. Phew!!

  2. Just close the curtains, turn up the AC, get a cold glass of tea and pile up on the sofa with a good book!

  3. I don't know what was the temperature in Avignon, but I wasn't inclined to snuggle with the crushing heat and barely a whisper of breeze through the vent on the roof in spite of all the windows open. There are some good things to living in a cooler climate and snuggling is one of them! Thanks for that reminder...

    I could imagine that if you stick to the keyboard, it would be hard to write as well!

  4. Beryl, I always think of my ancestors and how they had to be very hardy people to survive the hot summers and cold winters with no central heat or air. My grandparents told of how awful the dust bowl days were.
    I'll admit I am not nearly as hardy as they were. In fact I am a wimp!

  5. I guess living here all my life I am quite used to the summers. I don't pay much attention to the hysterics of the weather guys. Now, when the winter comes, snow and ice and COLD, you will hear me complain. Hate winter!

  6. Hi Patricia - We have air-conditioning, but haven't figured out the best way to use it yet. I am very good with fans, though.

  7. Hi Sanda - We do need curtains. Just the blinds aren't enough. You are right about the ice tea - it is so refreshing!

  8. Hi Shelley - I love Avignon. I made my daughter visit there by explaining that the bridge song was about Avignon. (Sur le pont d'Avignon.) But during July, it must have been like an oven.

  9. Hi Debbi - I know what you mean about feeling like a whimp - I feel like a whimp compared to when I was a child, even. When you think about not just keeping cool, but keeping warm as well, you have to admire your grandparents.

  10. Hi Carla - With your nice new backyard, it's going to be a shame when Winter comes and you can't cook outdoors. But I can see hating Winter in Tulsa even without a new outdoor kitchen. What surprised me the most was that all the ruts in the ice were made by trucks and those of us with plain old cars just had to stay home.
