Thursday, September 6, 2012

Do I Believe In Feng Shui? Even I'm Not Sure!

Some one who I know actually knows the stuff, told me that for a bedroom to have proper energy, the bed must never be positioned in such a way that you can see out the door.  This was pretty interesting to me because I have always liked to be able to see out the bedroom door when in bed.  And so I've spent my entire adult life out of Feng Shui for at least 8 hours a day.  Apparently, it doesn't matter that these 8 hours have been spent sleeping - no, one third of my life has been spent this way.  So why do I sleep so well?  Does my curly hair confuse the energies and deflect them?  Does being left-handed switch the polarities?  I mean, I really want to believe in Feng Shui.  And Astrology.  And Psychics.  And Mediums - no, not Mediums, that too creepy.  But definitely Psychics.  And that Astrology stuff is right far too often.  I have been know to correctly guess a few people's signs based on traits assigned to specific birth dates.  Spooky!  


  1. I'm in two minds about Feng Shui. I'm always interested in ways to improve my life (although I never follow the recommendations !) but on the other hand, I think it should come to us instinctively !! I need to face the window to be able to sleep properly. That also allows me to see the sky in the morning when I have my first cup of tea in bed !

  2. Hi SB - I love the idea of that first cup of tea in bed. Usually that's where I have my last cup - sweetened with a dash of Bailey's. I like to have the window at the head of the bed, so I wake up to some morning sunlight streaming in. Which is not applicable to the decades I spent in the Seattle greyness. There I needed to be positioned so the special lamp would light up near my face...the special light being no match for Seattle grey..but at any rate, the plug is usually at the head of the bed.

  3. I am intrigued by Feng Shui but still have a lot of stuff to rid myself of before I can get to the furniture arrangement and other aspects of the belief. All of those psychic things interest me. You are right about the astrology being correct in so many cases. Reading tea leaves? I'd probably have to draw the line on that one though. (P.S. I'm sure it's the curly hair that does the trick for peaceful sleep!)

  4. Hi Sanda - Yep, this curly hair is just like my own personal pillow! I decided to rearrange my bedroom in Southern California according to Feng Shui, just for fun. Not going to move the Tulsa furniture around - it's all too heavy. And I don't want to try and explain to my sweet husband why I want it changed.
