Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saint Cecilia Church Cookie And Candy Sale

John and I spent a little time in Claremore this afternoon at Saint Cecilia Catholic Church's Cookie and Candy Sale.  It was quite wonderful.  They had an amazing array of home baked goods - from Anise Flavored Pizzelles (something I make every Christmas, but haven't found my Pizzelle Iron since the move, so haven't done yet) to Uncle Bill's Brown Fudge (an amazing cross in both taste and texture between the best Caramel you've ever had - like the ones Fran makes in Seattle- and Butterscotch Fudge).  My assortment came to $9, and it would have cost $12 to just buy the nuts to make them.  Plus getting to meet some of the nicest women who were manning the sale.  Good Times!


  1. I have your pizzelle iron. Remember, I made them last year with a friend and asked you for the recipe? We'll do some baking when you get here.

  2. Terrific! We can make Chex Mix too. I got some ribbon candy already - at Walmart for $1.99 - and it's the exact same brand that I spend 3 times that much for at the Import store. (Which they don't have in Oklahoma.)
